Singing Balloon, 2011
Parallel identity
I asked a few people from different cultures, who also have cross-cultural lives, to hum their favorite song.
We say that in humans, song is the primary means of expression and communication to convey his emotions but also a symbol of the community.
Among them, I chose eight people living in France for various reasons.
All these songs chosen individually came from each of their roots,
a coincidence?
I project these videos on the screen inside an inflatable balloon which is 1.5m long, equipped with a micro projector and interface to guide it in its travels randomly, by collaboration with two researchers of the Sony Computer Science Labs in Tokyo.
The singing scenes by those same characters are projected simultaneously on the screens of two or three balloons, and little by little they sing differently from one to another. The scene, gives us aspects of an individual as multiple branches, as clones, as living beings lost, wandering in space.
Now, our world seems to be looking more and more rationally, experiencing an inner struggle between the individual and the masses. An opening to diversity ... is to have an understanding of the difference. [Singers] Charly: rhyme Ivorian, Don-il: Korean love song, Havrhannes: Armenian patriotic song, Madeleine: French nursery rhyme, Karina: Russian poetry music, Marc: French nursery rhyme, José Maria: panish poetry music
♦Interface Support and Audio : Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. Researchers : Mr. Hiroaki Tobita and M.Shigeaki Maruyama
Installation @ Yokoi Fine Art Co. Ltd.